Thursday 20 May 2010

LDP ke 3 - Belajar Hot Potatoes

Tarikh : 22 Mei 2010
Masa : 8.00 am - 10.30 am
Tempat : Makmal Bestari TIGS
Peserta : Semua guru TIGS

Pemudahcara : Pn Zalina Sapie, Pn. Siti Hawa Jamil, Cik Nor Asmahani Mohamad (Guru pelatih UPSI)

Tajuk Kursus : Menggunakan Hot Potatoes untuk membina e-assessment.

Objektif Kursus:

1. Mendedahkan kepada guru-guru satu kaedah berkesan untuk membuat soalan-soalan penilaian atau latihan secara berkomputer.
2. Menyuburkan konsep e-learning dan e-assessment di sekolah.

Konsep E-assessment:
  • Konsep E-assessment diambil sebahagian daripada strategi pembelajaran SeDAAP iaitu Self Directed, Self Accessed, Self Assessed dan Self Paced. Untuk mengaplikasikan strategi tersebut dalam P&P, satu kaedah perlu dicipta agar pelajar dapat melaksanakan proses pembelajaran mengikut tahap masing-masing (Self Paced), mengikut kesesuaian masa masing-masing (Self Accessed), pelajar menilai diri sendiri (Self Asessed) dan pelajar boleh memilih topik atau subtopik yang hendak dipelajari (Self Directed).
  • E-assessment yang akan dibuat dalam LDP ini ialah satu koleksi soalan yang boleh dicapai oleh para pelajar dimana-mana dan bila-bila masa dengan syarat ada talian internet. Ia juga boleh dibuat berulangkali sehingga mahir tanpa syarat.
Perlaksanaan Program
  1. Guru diberi pendedahan menggunakan software hot potatoes.
  2. Ketua Panitia membuat satu rangka pembahagian kerja - agar set soalan yang dihasilkan berkualiti dan tersusun.
  3. Setiap guru mula membuat soalan.
  4. Guru memberikan fail salinan soalan kepada Webmaster Portal sekolah untuk diupload.
  5. Webmaster upload soalan dalam Portal sekolah
  6. Set soalan sudah boleh digunakan untuk pelajar

Purpose Of The Hot Potatoes

The purpose of the Hot Potatoes is to enable you to create interactive Web-based teaching exercises which can be delivered to any Internet-connected computer equipped with a browser. The exercises use HTML and JavaScript to implement their interactivity, but you do NOT need to know anything about these languages in order to use the programs. All you need to do is enter the data for your exercises (questions, answers, responses etc.), and press a button. The program will create the Web pages for you, and you can then upload them to your server.

There are five basic programs in the Hot Potatoes suite:

  • The JQuiz program creates question-based quizzes. Questions can be of four different types, including multiple-choice and short-answer. Specific feedback can be provided both for right answers and predicted wrong answers or distractors. In short-answer questions, the student's guess is intelligently parsed and helpful feedback to show what part of a guess is right and what part is wrong. The student can ask for a hint in the form of a "free letter" from the answer.
  • The JCloze program creates gap-fill exercises. Unlimited correct answers can be specified for each gap, and the student can ask for a hint and see a letter of the correct answer. A specific clue can also be included for each gap. Automatic scoring is also included. The program allows gapping of selected words, or the automatic gapping of every nth word in a text.
  • The JCross program creates crossword puzzles which can be completed online. You can use a grid of virtually any size. As in JQuiz and JCloze, a hint button allows the student to request a free letter if help is needed.
  • The JMix program creates jumbled-sentence exercises. You can specify as many different correct answers as you want, based on the words and punctuation in the base sentence, and a hint button prompts the student with the next correct word or segment of the sentence if needed.
  • The JMatch program creates matching or ordering exercises. A list of fixed items appears on the left (these can be pictures or text), wth jumbled items on the right. This can be used for matching vocabulary to pictures or translations, or for ordering sentences to form a sequence or a conversation.
JQuiz can create four different types of question: multiple-choice, short-answer, hybrid (a short-answer question that turns into a multiple-choice question after several attempts), and multi-select (in which the student has to choose several of a set of options, then check the choices). This is a detailed explanation of each question type:

In multiple-choice questions, the student chooses an answer by clicking on a button. If the answer is correct, the button caption will change to a smiley face :-), and if it's wrong, it will change to an X (you can configure these bits of text in the configuration screen). In either case, the student will see feedback specific to that answer, explaining why it's right or wrong (assuming you write the feedback when you make the exercise!). If the answer is wrong, the student can continue choosing answers until a correct answer is selected. The score for each question is based on the number of tries taken to get a correct answer. Once a correct answer is chosen, the scoring is "frozen", but the student can still click on buttons to see the feedback for other answers without penalty.

In short-answer questions, the students has to type the answer into a text box on the page, and press a Check button to see if it is correct. The page will try to match the student's answer to a list of correct or incorrect answers you have defined. If a match is found, the feedback for that answer will be shown. If not, then the page will try to find the nearest match among the specified correct answers, and signal to the student which parts of their answer are right and which parts are wrong. The score for each question is based on the number of attempts the student makes before getting a correct answer. You can also include a Hint button, which will give the student one letter of the answer; using the Hint button incurs a penalty on the score.

A hybrid question is a combination of a multiple-choice question and a short-answer question. In this type of question, the student is first presented with a text box and asked to type the answer. However, if the student fails to get the answer right after a specified number of tries (which you can configure in the configuration screen), the question changes to a multiple-choice question to make it easier. When you are creating a hybrid question, you'll see an extra checkbox on the right: Include in MC answers. Check this checkbox for any answer you want to appear as part of the multiple-choice answers in the second phase of the question. For example, your short-answer question may include four predicted correct answers which would be acceptable, but you probably only want to include one of them as a multiple-choice option.

Finally, a multi-select question asks the student to select several of a specific set of items. The idea here is that the student must select all the correct items, and not select all the wrong items. This type of question might take the format "Which of the following are nouns?", followed by a list of words. The student must check all the nouns, but not check any answers which are not nouns, then press a Check button. If the answer is not completely correct, the student will see a readout of the number of correct choices, and one piece of feedback; this would be the feedback from the first item in the list which was either selected when it shouldn't be selected, or not selected when it should be selected.

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